Griggs & Bell Hall Room Reservations

Terms & Conditions

All reservations begin by completing the online request form. Reservations are not confirmed until you receive an email from the Facilities Manager.
Contact: Rose Warner, Griggs/Bell Hall Facilities Manager:
Phone: (269) 471-6281 

Andrews University (the “University”) agrees to rent to Renter, and Renter accepts rental of, the specified Facility upon the following terms and conditions:

  1. Renter agrees to hold University harmless and to indemnify and to defend University from any and all claims for damages or expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and litigation costs, in connection with or arising out of injury (including death) to any person or persons or damage to property (including loss thereof) of the University or others resulting from the use of the facilities described in this form by Renter, its agents, employees, representatives, or invitees, as long as the injury or damage is not the result of the sole negligence on the part of the University or its agents, employees, representatives or invitees.
  2. Reservation fees are as follows:
    FOR BELL HALL: There is a $125 key deposit.  Contact Rose Warner at to arrange payment. The check will be held until you return the key. If the key is not returned, we will cash the check one week after your event.

    FOR GRIGGS & BELL HALL: A fee of $50 per event is due for each rental approved to non-university groups or university personnel for personal use; rental is free for faculty and staff reserving rooms for university business. Cancellations must be made at least one business day before the event for refund of rental fee. The cost of repair or replacement of items damaged under reasonable use during an event, is covered by the rental fee. Costs to replace or repair items as a result of misuse of equipment or property, as well as any cleaning after an event, will be charged to the IDC # provided. Renter agrees to pay all fees in a timely manner. The University reserves the right to terminate this contract for late payment. Renter assumes financial responsibility for any damage incurred to the building, equipment, or furnishings during use. University assumes no liability for loss by any cause, including, but not limited to, theft or damage, to any vehicles, equipment, furnishings, or other personal property belonging to the Renter or to its officers, employees, agents, or invitees.
  3. In accordance with our property insurance, a Certificate of Insurance (COI) is required for any non-university sponsored event. Examples include churches, schools, businesses, conferences, camps. The COI must have a policy limit of a minimum of $1,000,000 and name Andrews University as additionally insured.  In the special wording section it should say what event is being insured.  The COI is to be submitted to the Facilities Manager (contact below) one week prior to the event for verification.
    This includes personal rentals for employees and students, for events such as birthday or graduation parties, wedding receptions, recitals, etc. Departments that want to utilize space on campus are exempt.
  4. Student clubs and organizations that have received prior approval from SILA, with a menu, food preparation and distribution plan, are permitted to serve food items that require temperature control to maintain safety standards, provided that takes place in campus locations other than the Campus Center.  In this case, prior approval must be obtained from SILA a minimum of 14 days before the event. Please contact the Associate Dean for Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities regarding food preparation. 
  5. Technology arrangements are as follows:
    FOR GRIGGS HALL: The contact person arranging room rental is also responsible for arranging technology needed by emailing Rooms will be unlocked by Campus Safety for the hours reserved.
    FOR BELL HALL:  No technology options are available. Exterior doors will be unlocked by Campus Safety. Interior Doors are open by a key.
  6. Room rental excludes guest services. Please ensure guests have the following information:
    • Provide your contact information, both during and after hours
    • For Griggs Hall A Basement: Work with Custodial (x3440) for set-up and take-down of the 50 chairs and 8 tables
    • Notify the Building Manager (x6281), of any maintenance issues during office hours; contact Campus Safety (x3321) after hours.
  7. A shared kitchen is available with Griggs Hall A basement reservations.  Please do not use any items stored and clean up after your use.  Wipe counters and tables.  Place trash in bin outside the kitchen. Vacuum messes, using the vacuum cleaner in the kitchen. The payment method provided will be charged if custodial time is required to clean what your group leaves undone.  
  8. Please notify guests that free printing is not available in Griggs or Bell Hall.
  9. Renter shall not use, or permit others to use, any of the apparatus or equipment in the facility except as may be expressly stated herein.
  10. Renter must remain at the location rented for the duration of the rental period. Renter shall be responsible for the entrance and exit of all participants.
  11. Renter agrees not to allow any other organization to participate in the use of the described facilities.
  12. Only the location(s) specifically identified in the contract is available for use, and only for the use set forth in the rental application.
  13. Renter shall not make any alterations or improvements to any of the facilities, without the express written consent of University, which consent may be granted or withheld in the sole discretion of University. Existing decorations or furnishings may not be moved without prior approval. Any types of fasteners that would mark or damage any part of the building may not be used. Painter’s tape may be used in moderation.
  14. All facilities must be left clean and in good order at the close of the contract period. Furniture, equipment, and all other objects must be returned to their original position.
  15. University will not permit the use of its name in the solicitation of funds or other support for programs not authorized and sponsored by University. Nor does use of its facility imply general endorsement of the organization involved in its use.
  16. No smoking is permitted within University buildings. No marijuana, illegal substances, alcohol, or weapons is permitted on University property.
  17. All activities in these facilities must be in keeping with Adventist standards, including honoring the Sabbath hours from sunset Friday to sunset Sabbath. Failure to accurately list the activities planned with the rental request will negatively impact future requests.
  18. CEIS reserves the right to refuse any request for use of Griggs/Bell Hall facilities which it deems is not in accordance with Adventist standards or interferes with its own use.
  19. Non-compliance with any of these rules and regulations may result in immediate cancellation of the contract.